How Does The Process Of Applying For Benefits Work?
Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can seem daunting, especially knowing that often the first application for benefits may be denied due to mistakes in paperwork or filing. However, these benefits can make all the difference in providing for your family while you are disabled. Don’t let the stress of the application process keep you from applying or tempt you to try and do it yourself. The process of applying for SSD benefits is a tricky one and having a guide is valuable.
Attorney Michael D. Breaux has been helping injured and disabled workers in Louisiana for decades, and can provide information on how the process works, from initial application to finally receiving benefits and any issues that arise in between.
Many Issues Can Be Avoided By Starting Early
It’s important to apply as soon as you become disabled. There is a waiting period of five months for most disabilities, meaning at the earliest you are not able to receive benefits before six months.
Additionally, the application process can be difficult. It involves a lot of paperwork and gathering of records to show why your claim should be approved.
Assuming the paperwork is filled out correctly and the claim is approved, benefits will become available. However, if there is an issue with the paperwork, your claim may be improperly denied. If that happens, the situation may call for an appeal of denied benefits or a hearing.
Starting early can help you avoid or can help mitigate many of these issues, as can hiring an attorney. Your attorney can make sure the paperwork is filled out properly, your application is submitted in a timely manner, and can address any other issues such as denial of benefits that may come up.
Contact Us To Get Answers
This process is complicated and can be even more so if you are seeking benefits on behalf of your child or spouse. Call attorney Breaux at The Law Offices of M. D. Breaux, LLC, for answers to your specific situation.