Not being able to earn an income for any period of time can be very difficult. With no income, people may need to deplete their savings, turn to credit cards or be unable to pay certain bills. Disability insurance can be very valuable in these situations. Louisiana...
Representing Injured And Disabled Workers
Year: 2022
Information needed for Social Security Disability filings
How injuries and illnesses affect people in Louisiana depends on the severity of the injury and also what parts of the body are affected. Certain injuries are debilitating and prevent people from doing many basic life activities. This can include their ability to...
Who qualifies for disability benefits?
Social Security Disability benefits can be a true financial lifeline for those who suffer from an injury or medical condition that renders them unable to work. However, the monthly benefits provided by this program are not automatically given out to all who apply. Far...
What medical conditions qualify you for SSD benefits?
If you are seriously ill or have suffered a major injury you may be unable to work which can lead to financial hardships and mental distress. You may have heard that some people with very serious medical ailments collect Social Security Disability benefits, but you...